Personality Profiles


SIZE PROZESS® Personality Profiles and Potential Analyses consider the individual and unique personality across the entire spectrum - from strengths to the limits under pressure and stress.
This is not a test or a test procedure and it is not an evaluation – in the sense of good or bad.

This comprehensive approach gives you a balanced insight into your personal “map” and the driving forces behind your actions. We reveal both your relationship expectations and the perception filters through which you - shaped by your unique personality - perceive and experience yourself and the world.

Discover your potential and understand your unique personality in all its depth with SIZE PROCESS®.

Learn more about it:

  • Your most distinctive personality styles
  • How would you like to be perceiveded by others?
  • What do you expect from yourself?
  • Characteristics of your core personality
  • Your preferred perceptual reasoning
  • Your preferred relationship to others
  • Your preferred style of communication
  • Your preferred way of making contact
  • Important basic psychological needs
  • Your map for satisfaction at work
  • Your talents and potentials
  • Personal potentials that you can successfully tap
  • Your sources of life and energy
  • If you lose your internal balance
  • Dynamic when highly stressed
  • Dynamic when a little stressed
  • Current emotional stability when stressed
  • Your tendencys in the drama-triangle
  • Your personality profile at a glance


The online questionnaire for personality profiles is available in the following languages:

  • German
  • English
  • Bulgarian
  • French
  • Croatian
  • Polish
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Czech
  • Turkish
  • Hungarian
  • Italian

Unique diagnostic!

Ulrike Clasen
Managing Director Netzwerk Kadertraining, Aarau, Switzerland

SIZE PROZESS® offers a real opportunity for an intensive discussion with yourself. Just as Delphi oracle invites: "Recognize yourself!". We can add here: Recognize the successful interactions and the successful communication with other personalities. SIZE PROZESS® does not rely on an oracle, but builds on scientifically recognized, theoretically founded and psychologically realistic concepts. Self-awareness with the SIZE PROZESS® allows our customers to act more effectively, more freely and more resiliently in their professional roles, they do this successfully for themselves and for their organizations.