With SIZE PROZESS® the possibilities for application are really enormous and it is scientific state of the art. No other tool has convinced me so far, especially because SIZE PROZESS® provides valuable approaches e.g. for personal development, management and leadership development, individual and organizational resilience, for the development of agility in companies and for competence management and recruiting.
FROM INDIVIDUAL STRENGTHS TO SHARED SUCCESSThe SIZE PROZESS® personality profiles will open the door to the individual strengths, talents and resources of each team member. They can fit together like perfect pieces of a jigsaw to create an impressive overall image.
The key idea is simple yet powerful: communication and interaction act as crucial bridges to connect the team members to one another. By focusing on individual strengths, you can unleash the full potential of each and every person. The emphasis of and use of these strengths will not merely increase their personal performance, but also create a strong, efficient team dynamic.
Our SIZE PROZESS® personality profiles are not just tools; they are windows to motivation and stress management. Discover the right balance for building a high-performing, inspired and resilient team.

TEAM CULTURE INFLUENCES THE TOP PERFORMANCEDiscover the core culture of your team. Our SIZE PROZESS team culture profiles will give you deep insights into the common values, convictions and norms that characterise the essence of your team. In a world characterised by collaboration, we understand that a positive team culture is far more than just a concept – it is the key to trust, cohesion and unrivalled effectiveness. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of team dynamics and find out how the unique facets of your team make it stand out from others. Together, you can shape a culture which isn’t merely successful, but also inspired. Welcome to a journey which, aside from transforming your team culture, will also shape the future of your team in the long run.

JOINT COMPETENCIES FOR THE FUTUREIn today’s fast-paced world, it is crucial that teams don’t just respond to current challenges, but also take a proactive look into the future. At SIZE PROZESS®, we understand that preparing for the unknown takes more than technical competence. We support the development of organisational meta-competences which help teams to stand their ground in an ever-changing landscape.
Getting your team fit for the future will allow your team to take on whatever comes next. Discover how paying attention to organisational key competences will make your team more than just resilient – it will also make them fit for the future. In this dynamic era, it is important not merely to weather the changes, but also to play an active part in shaping them.
The future belongs to teams who don’t just accept the changes, but also proactively shape them. Are you ready to get your team fit for the future? SIZE PROZESS® is your partner for this journey.

My expectations were more than exceeded!